HobbyCNC Videos

Installing HobbyCNC driver chips and heatsink

It is recommended to add the heatsink before soldering-in the driver chips. This ensures there are no stresses on the pins and package that can cause a long-term failure.

Setting HobbyCNC stepper motor current

Follow this simple process to set the motor drive current that matches your stepper motor specifications.

An excellent set of videos by Steve Brew (GuruBrewShow.com). Steve takes you from assembling the HobbyCNC PRO board through building the power supply, customizing a case, selecting a computer and software to final assembly.

The Guru Brew is a weekly entertainment show that is posted on the internet every Saturday with a frequent bonus upload on Wednesday. Our videos are mainly aimed at subjects like science, computers and technology and everything gadget related.

1 – Introduction. Building A CNC Stepper Motor Controller for Wood Router

2 – Assemble HobbyCNC PRO board, part 1

3 – Assemble HobbyCNC PRO board, Part 2

4 – CNC Stepper Driver Build – Building the Power Supply

5 – Custom Parallel Port Cable. This step is based specifically on the case Steve selected to use. For a more standard installation, just use a parallel printer cable (that meets the specs).

6 – Customizing the Case

7 – Choosing Computer System to Control CNC Router – Running Mach3

8 – DIY CNC Controller Work Continues – It’s Ready to Power Up!

9 – DIY CNC Controller Work Continues – It’s Ready to Power Up!

10 – DIY CNC Router Stepper Motor Controller Project – FINISHED!